
Food is the basic need of man after air and water.
Food refers to all those foods which are necessary to keep the body healthy and functioning.  That is, food is an essential fuel for the smooth functioning of the various components of the body's machine.  Along with physical work, food also gives mental satisfaction and it also has social importance.
1. Functions of food
Providing energy
Protecting against diseases
Operation, control and regulation of bodily functions
2. Psychological functions
3. Social functions

balanced diet

A diet in which all the food groups and nutrients are included in the proper quantity and proportion as per the requirement of the body is called a balanced diet.  In order to facilitate the balanced formulation of the diet, all the food groups are classified into four parts on the basis of the nutrients contained in them.

cereal group

Cereal group – Wheat, maize, bajra, jowar, rice and their products like poha, murmura, papcorn, porridge, semolina, maida etc.need
For an adult person:
Male_ 420 to 690 grams per day.
Female_ 300 to 480 grams per day.

Pulses and Pulses
Gram, Urad, Moong, Lentil, Arhar, Soyabean, Rajma, Peas,
For a vegetarian adult person:
Male_ 60 to 90 grams perday. 
Female_ 60 to 90 grams per day.
For a non-vegetarian adult person:
Male_ 40 to 60 grams per day.
Female_ 40 to 60 grams per day.

Milk and meat

Milk products - curd, paneer, buttermilk, khoya, cheese etc.
For a vegetarian adult:
Male - 300 ml per day.
Female - 300 ml per day.
Non-vegetarian - fish, rooster, goat, egg etc.
For a non-vegetarian adult:
Male - 30 g per day.
Female - 30 g per day.


Green leafy vegetables_Spinach, Fenugreek, Bathua, Cabbage, Radish Leaves Mint etc.
For an adult:
Male- 100 g per day.
Female- 100 g per day.

fats and sugars

Groundnut, Mustard, Sesame, Soyabean, Ghee, Butter, Cream etc.  Sugar includes all kinds of twists, sugars, honey, sugar candy and granules etc.
For an adult:
men- 25 to 55 grams per day.
Female- 20 to 40 grams per day.
Male-  25 to 55 g per day.
Female- 20 to 45 g per day.

Dietary balance rules

First of all, the diet is decided according to the age, gender, physical work, condition and economic condition of any person.  Like growing babies, pregnant need more nutrition.
It is advisable to include one food from each food group in all meals of the day.
Proper water intake per day is essential for the digestion of a balanced diet.

Some common symptoms of nutritional deficiency

Weight below
muscle cramps
hair fall
yellowing of skin.

Symptoms of anemia
Loss of appetite
Change in shape of nails
Whitening of skin
Tongue, nails, white inside eyelid

due to blood loss
Lack of iron element in food
due to excessive bleeding of blood

Treatment and prevention of anemia
If anemia is caused by malaria or parasitic worms, treat them first
eat iron-rich foods
foods rich in vitamins 'A' and 'C',

Obesity  is also a type of malnutrition.  The category of obesity can be determined by the body mass index. body mass index (BMI)
= Weight (kilograms)
    Height (m2)
Weight                                                BMI
Underweight                       less than 18.5
Normal Weight             18.5 _ less than 25
Overweight                       25 - less than 30
Obesity                             30 or less than 30

Due to obesity
Hereditary Causes
Hormonal Changes
Physical Activity
Injury to the Hypothalamus

obesity treatment
Improvement in eating
Increase work activity

Ways to increase nutrition in food
to germinate
the right mix of food substances
cook the food properly

dietary misconceptions
Rice is lighter than wheat and does not give enough energy.
Some food is hot and cold.  Like egg hot and banana/curd cold.
Sour should not be eaten after surgery or wound.
Milk or curd should not be taken after eating fish.
Desi egg is better.
Curd and salad should not be eaten at night.
More protein makes you stronger.
To make the body strong, more slow and sweet food should be eaten.
No one food item is a (super food) .


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